How having a balanced diet will help you achieve your goals

How having a balanced diet will help you achieve your goals

10 July 2019

With summer fast approaching, it can be easy to fall into the fad diet trap and forbid yourself from certain foods in a bid to shed some pounds. Whether you want to maintain a healthy weight, power yourself for some extra workouts or shed some pounds, we’ve rounded up the top reasons why sticking to a balanced diet is the best way to achieve your health goals.

With summer fast approaching, it can be easy to fall into the fad diet trap and forbid yourself from certain foods in a bid to shed some pounds. Whether you want to maintain a healthy weight, power yourself for some extra workouts or shed some pounds, we’ve rounded up the top reasons why sticking to a balanced diet is the best way to achieve your health goals.


Goals become more achievable

Sticking to a balanced diet is a realistic and achievable way to reach your goal, and it’s a diet that you can maintain. Fad diets require you to limit yourself to certain food groups, which is very difficult to do and maintain for extended periods of time and usually ends in failure.

You won’t miss out on important nutrients

Sticking to a balanced diet is the best way to ensure you’re consuming the essential nutrients and minerals that your body needs. The government recommends you consume five portions of fruit and vegetables a day and two portions of oily fish a week to get the right nutrients for your body.

You’ll have more energy

A truly balanced and varied diet can have a great impact on your energy, and you won’t have to rely on coffee and caffeine to get through the day. Only 30% of adults manage their five-a-day fruit and vegetable recommendation, so up your intake to see a natural boost to your energy and mood.

You’ll look and feel great

A balanced diet can contribute to weight loss and improve the appearance of your skin and hair. By consuming the right nutrients your body needs, you can improve your appearance and boost your confidence.

You won’t get meal envy

There’s nothing quite as annoying as watching a friend tuck into a cheesecake while you’re stuck with an apple. 90% of diets fail because they’re not sustainable and they too restrictive, so sticking to a balanced diet means you can enjoy a treat and still be healthy.

Food can inspire you

Limiting yourself to certain food groups or meals isn’t great for your health, and it doesn’t do much for your motivation, either. By allowing yourself treats and making sure you’re getting enough food from each food group, you can feel inspired every meal time. Why not try some food from a different culture, or experiment with a traditional dish and give it a modern twist?

You will future-proof your health

By restricting yourself to certain foods and depriving your body of important nutrients, you could be damaging your body. By dropping your daily intake of fat below the recommended 20%, for example, you could develop poor vitamin absorption, experience depression or develop high cholesterol. By sticking to a balanced diet, you’re giving your body a consistent supply of nutrients and energy which will help you fit off illness and disease.

You can tailor it to your needs

A balanced diet is not a one-box-fits-all way to lose or maintain your weight, but sometimes it can be difficult to work out what your body needs. Prestige Boot Camp offer holiday-like retreats and have chefs who will offer education on nutrition and teach healthy meals and tips to continue when you leave. Whether you want to lose weight or increase your body muscle, a balanced diet can be tailored to you.