How to find a fitness holiday that you know will suit you

29 March 2018

For a lot of people, a holiday is all about letting your hair down and indulging in food and drink. However, those who like to keep up a regular fitness routine know how difficult it can often be to get back into the swing of things post-holiday.

In that case, why not have the best of both worlds with a getaway that allows you to maintain your fitness while still having a chance to relax.

Here are some things to consider before you start your search for a fitness or a weight loss holiday:

Do you want structured workouts?

One of the main differences between a good fitness holiday and one that won’t encourage much success is if the workouts are correctly structured or not. Rather than exercises that have simply been thrown together, look for a boot camp that will work in elements of strength training and cardio so that you can make the most of their programme.

Are the instructors experienced and qualified?

Make sure all of the instructors are qualified and experienced in what they’re training you to do. After all, you don’t want someone who doesn’t know what they’re talking about telling you how to improve your fitness. Perhaps you could meet the trainers before you commit to the holiday. This way you can get a better idea of how they’ll be training you and whether or not you will get along.


Do you want nutritional advice?

When it comes to losing weight, exercise is only part of it. In fact, what you eat plays a much more important role so in that case, you will want a training programme that compromises a nutritional framework or, at the minimum, offers you some advice about what you should and shouldn’t be eating. The majority of good holiday boot camps will provide you with healthy meals and drinks that are freshly prepared on site. Alternatively, you might want to try a detox holiday that will allow your body to rest and repair.

What are your expectations?

Understanding your expectations is one of the most important elements of choosing a fitness holiday that suits you. Every boot camp will differ in their approach so if you choose one that doesn’t fit with your fitness goals you will be a lot less likely to work as hard as you need to. If your goal is to lose a significant amount of weight in a short time, for example, you might want to pick a fitness holiday that places a lot of emphasis on intense training and a complete nutritional overhaul.

What kind of approach will you benefit from?

Much like setting out your expectations, you need to think about the type of approach that will benefit you. What has worked for you in the past? What are you no longer able to do? For example, if you have an injury, are hugely overweight, or are pregnant, you might want to steer clear of any exercises that require a lot of jumping. If you’ve never experienced a fitness holiday before you might want to look for one that offers a more tailored program so that your attention will remain focused.