
February 2018

How to motivate yourself to work out, even when it's cold

How to motivate yourself to work out, even when it's cold

27 February 2018
Here in Britain, we rather get the short straw when it comes to weather. While many people overseas have warm sun in which to regularly exercise in the outdoors, we get... well, lots of rain and cold. However, cold weather doesn't strictly mean that you have to relinquish your exercise efforts. Read more...

How to set realistic weight loss goals

How to set realistic weight loss goals

27 February 2018
Eager though many of us might be to shift blubber, we can also be prone to overestimating the ease with which we could lose that weight. Women's Health mentions a 2014 study hinting that many women may need to shed almost 20% in body mass to reach what they deem a "happy" weight. Read more...

5 things people get wrong about losing weight

5 things people get wrong about losing weight

21 February 2018
It's an all-too-familiar story for many of us: we resolve to lose weight, imbue ourselves with confidence, and then get our regime underway... only to fall off the wagon depressingly early. What's going on? You are probably just buying too readily into various myths about weight loss. Sadly, this can easily happen if you source your diet tips from the grapevine rather than weight loss gurus. Here are just five bad habits which you may have inadvertently adopted. Read more...

What's the best food to eat for sport and exercise?

What's the best food to eat for sport and exercise?

2 February 2018
If you are relatively inexperienced with sport and exercise but remain eager to put together a regime which can help you lose weight, you shouldn't underestimate how crucial it is to eat the right foods both before and after a workout session. Eating suitably can help you to consolidate and maximise your fitness gains; however, you might remain unsure exactly what you should eat before or after exercising. We can help you here... Read more...

The best weight loss tips if you want to see fast results

The best weight loss tips if you want to see fast results

1 February 2018
If you have recently typed "how to lose weight" into Google, you would have been in very good company; it is Google's third most searched "how to" term, says The Telegraph. It shouldn't be a huge surprise, then, that the Internet has also become a source of many "lose weight fast" plans. However, you might want to think carefully before following many of them, as they might not result in weight loss that is truly sustainable. So, how can you shift the weight in a quick but reliable way? Read more...