
August 2018

Why is it easier for men to lose weight?

Why is it easier for men to lose weight?

28 August 2018
Women might often feel frustrated that, while they can take weeks to lose just a few pounds and then end up swiftly putting them back on, men can apparently just give up one unhealthy habit for a week and see quick results. "It's not fair," women might cry - but it is backed by science. Read more...

The benefits of group training

The benefits of group training

8 August 2018
If you’re someone who keeps up to date with the trends in the fitness industry, then you’ll know that group training has become a huge hit over the past five years or so. Not only does it mean you’ll get more time with the group coach or personal trainer, but it allows you to be part of a community of like-minded people who are all striving to reach similar goals. Read more...

What exercise equipment can I pack on my holiday?

What exercise equipment can I pack on my holiday?

8 August 2018
It can be tempting to slack off on your fitness routine when you jet off on holiday, but there’s no need to let all that hard work go to waste. All you need to know is how you can pack the gym (or at least some of it) into your suitcase. Read more...