Our Best Evening Meal Tips For Busy People

Our Best Evening Meal Tips For Busy People

15 March 2016

Many of us have been there: we've had a pretty packed and hectic day, both at work and play, and have finally arrived home in the evening only to realise that... well, there's nothing to eat.

Or, should we say, nothing substantial to eat. What can you do to avoid this situation regularly reoccurring? Here are our personal favourite pieces of advice to use in remedy.

Have some suitable recipes conveniently at hand

Plan ahead and gather together some recipes for meals that are, obviously, to your personal taste but also, vitally, quick and easy to follow. This will pay off for those evenings when you've got a few random bits and pieces in your kitchen, but aren't sure how to put them together to form a decent meal.

You could, perhaps, pick up TV chef Nigel Slater's tome Eat: The Little Book of Fast Food - which, the man himself has claimed, is for "days when we have barely an hour to cook" and "times we just want something delicious on a plate at the end of our working day".

Further your food education

You could, perhaps, go a little further along these lines and actually spend time reading up on various recipes and types of meals that you could later turn to come the late hours. See it as an education - and, if books like Nigel Slater's are your textbooks, you could see Prestige Boot Camp as your university!

Time spent on one of our fitness boot camps could feel akin to taking a fun summer course - and, crucially, will include "lecturing" from our top chefs about what to eat for especially healthy results. Dedicate hours to revision and you will hopefully - ahem - make the grade.

Order the healthy takeaway alternative

This is the stage of the article where you might expect us to recommend a takeaway - after all, it's quick and convenient, right? That may be true, but you are also highly unlikely to receive the kind of healthy food befitting your attendance of our weight loss retreats... unless, of course, you choose the truly healthy Better Body Box.

The Better Body Box programme is incredibly simple - all that you have to do is choose your menu plan from those laid out on the Better Body Box website, order online and simply await the delivery of genuinely great food to your door. Diet food delivery has never been so good for you, or so easy to take advantage of.

Follow the above tips, and you can say goodbye to those annoying evening hunger pangs in-between work assignments, while ensuring that you continue to eat as healthily as possible.