Start your New Year's resolution early!

Start your New Year's resolution early!

15 December 2016

Losing weight and getting fitter are commonly-set resolutions for a New Year, yet many of us can often struggle to stick to them.

Let's face it: we all dream of having that amazing beach body, but not many of us can persevere with our exercise regimes for long enough to make it a reality. Well, we're here to say that you can now put that defeatist attitude to one side!

Often, learning how to stick to an exercise regime simply involves cluing yourself up on how you can make that regime continually fun, rather than a tiresome chore. Enrolling on one of the fitness boot camps arranged by us at Prestige Boot Camp can help you in that mission.

We can even cater for complete beginners

We know what you might be thinking at this point. "A fitness boot camp? That just sounds like too much hard work..." You'd be wrong. Sure, you can expect your boot camp instructor to keep pushing you further and further in your ultimate goal of a better body and mind. But we also place a great emphasis on having fun along the way - which means that your time on one of our weight loss retreats can often feel more like a holiday than a fitness regime.

Furthermore, even if you are currently fairly inactive, without a history of even the occasional outdoor run or visit to your local swimming pool, we can still ease you in gently. If, for example, the prospect of spending a week with Prestige Boot Camp in Suffolk, Devon or Spain rather daunts you, you can instead try a shorter taster day at our London boot camp. This can give you a better idea of what to expect, and - if you indeed decide to commit to a full week with us - better prepare you for a rigours of a more thorough boot camp experience.

Book for one of our first Portugal boot camps in 2016!

Another great incentive for booking a stay at any of our camps for next year is that you can be among the first to join us in Portugal! Once you have signed up, you can not only enjoy staying in a beautiful beach front villa in the Algarve, but also choose either our usual Boot Camp programme or a Juice Detox. The latter involves attending optional sessions in-between relaxing; there is, for example, a pool for therapeutic swimming.