Targets for Colder Months

Targets for Colder Months

19 October 2016

The colder months are approaching, so that will have to mean delaying the diet and fitness regime... surely?

Well, it's understandable if you immediately think that you'd be too busy buying and wrapping presents and tucking into Christmas dinner to even think of getting into shape - but it'd be a major error to think so. It's actually perfectly possible to set and work towards some sensible targets right now.

Put aside short, regular intervals for exercising

There's no need to keep exercising for an hour at a time to see appreciable benefits. Just half an hour of running, swimming or other exercise at a regular interval, such as once a day, can go surprisingly far. We would particularly recommend that you schedule your exercise for early in the morning, as this can boost your metabolism for the rest of the day.

Use a mobile app to keep track of your eating and exercising

If you are one of the many people to have a smartphone or tablet, you are likely able to download an app for it that would enable you to keep close track of what and how much you eat, plus the kind of exercises you do and when you do them. We would personally advise that you download the free MyFitnessPal calorie counter app for iPhone, iPad, Android or Windows Phone.

This app is great for keeping track of everything even when you're so busy buying presents - as, to use the app to record what you eat, you can just choose the food from a huge database or, quicker still, scan the food's barcode using your device's camera. It's a very highly acclaimed app, too!

Arrange some seasonal exercising with friends or family

Keeping up the motivation to exercise can be much easier when it's fun - rather than simply a chore - and done alongside people you love, who can compete with you and urge you on. Hence, the colder months provides the ideal opportunity to arrange an appropriately festive but active pursuit with friends or family - think icing skating or a walk through a beautiful snow-topped forest. The pounds should fall off during what probably won't even feel like exercise.

Sign up to a boot camp

We at Prestige Boot Camp have slots scheduled in the winter months and the run-up to Christmas, so you could look up the dates and times on our website to see if or where we have spaces available.