Why you Should Commit to Your Summer Body Now

Why you Should Commit to Your Summer Body Now

2 December 2016

Summer bodies don’t happen overnight, but imagine how your physique could improve by the time next summer rolls around if you were only able to get on top of your personal fitness.

Unfortunately, most people put on around 7-12 pounds by the end of the Christmas holidays, then fail to keep their New Year's resolution to lose it.

That’s why it’s important to take the first committed step towards your summer body as soon as possible. Here’s a quick list of why we’ll get you started on the road to your perfect figure.

Expert Attention

In addition to the physical assistance provided by highly trained and experience fitness experts, Prestige Boot Camp works with a state registered dietician rather than the normal nutritionist offered by most other camps. We even follow expertly designed short term and long term approved plans formulated with University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust.

Psychological Strengthening

Most boot camps focus solely on the physical. That might sound like a good idea, but remember that healthy lifestyle practices begin in your head. It’s for just that reason that our team of experts will take the time to show you exactly what you’re capable of. When you leave us, you’ll feel more in control of your own choices, boasting an iron will to conquer any temptations.

Inspirational Surroundings

Even the most energising fitness regimes will falter if you’re forced to complete them in scuffed up halls and dreary surroundings. With Prestige Boot Camps, that isn’t something you need to worry about. Our countryside, mountain, and coastal locations offer a rousing backdrop to your success, while our accommodations provide facilities such as indoor and outdoor pools, saunas, and even home cinemas.

Proven Results

Of course, it’s really all about the results. After just one week, most people both look and feel better than they have in years. You don’t need to take our word for it. The facts don’t lie, and our average results come in at 8 pounds and 10.5 inches lost for women and 10 pounds and 7.5 inches for men, with a stunning record loss of 1 stone and 5 pounds.

You can even have a look at our gallery of success stories to see how other people have improved themselves at a Prestige Boot Camp.

If you want a summer-ready body, then get started now by contacting one of our team members today.