Workout FAQ
31 May 2017
If you want to get started with a fitness routine but you’re not sure where to start, we’ve compiled a list of some of the most frequently asked questions when it comes to workouts to give you some much-needed information.
Q. How often should I exercise?
A. It depends – it’s recommended that the average healthy person should do 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise 3 -5 days every week but this can differ depending on a number of factors. If you’re new to exercise or haven’t done any in a while, it’s advisable to ease into it by allowing for a rest day after each day that you workout. After that, you’ll be able to exercise on consecutive days and alternate between different forms of exercise at different levels. Remember to always listen to your body and don’t be ashamed if you need a day off.
Q. What’s the difference between cardio and strength?
A. A classic combination but both very different and every good fitness routine should incorporate both. Cardio is short for cardiovascular, which refer to endurance exercises that will improve your circulatory system and burn fat. Such exercises include running, biking, dancing and tennis. In contrast, strength exercises use resistance to contract muscles to increase strength, improve anaerobic endurance and build muscles. These are things such as weight training, yoga, pilates and body weight exercises such as push-ups.
Q. Which exercises should I do?
A. Again, this all depends on what it is that you’re trying to achieve from your workout, but it is always beneficial to include a combination of aerobic, resistance and core exercises into your routine. These will work out your entire body rather than focus on one area. A bootcamp is a good way to achieve a combination of different exercises in one session.
Q. What is my target heart rate?
A. Your target heart rate will differ depending on the goal of the workout, but if your goal is to increase aerobic endurance, it should be 55 to 85 percent of your maximum heart rate for 20 to 30 minutes. Your maximum heart rate can be calculated as 220 minus your age.
Q. Should I follow a workout plan?
A. Following a workout plan will help you stay focused and improve in certain areas. However, you may want to change your workout routine for health reasons, if your goals change or if you get bored and lose motivation. Whatever the reason – make sure you seek professional advice on what you should include to fit in with your desired outcomes.
Q. When will I see progress?
A. The ‘answer’ to this is highly dependent on two things: how much you work out and how your diet is. Of course, the more you work out and the more you take care of your diet, the quicker you’re going to see results. This applies whether you want to lose weight or gain muscle. Generally, people should not aim to lose any more than 2 pounds per week but the general rule is the more weight you have to lose, the quicker you lose it.
Hopefully, these points have given you a good idea of some of the things you might have been worried about when starting or getting back into, good fitness habits.