Training and travelling: never miss a session with these holiday fitness tips

Training and travelling: never miss a session with these holiday fitness tips

10 July 2019

While holidays are generally a time to unwind and forget about the stresses and inconveniences of daily life, you can be forgiven for not wanting to let your fitness slip. A week or two away from the gym isn’t going to hinder your progress, and the rest may even prove beneficial. However, if you do wish to maintain your physique for the duration of your holiday, or simply want to work out because you enjoy it, there are several ways to ensure that you never a miss a session.

While holidays are generally a time to unwind and forget about the stresses and inconveniences of daily life, you can be forgiven for not wanting to let your fitness slip.

A week or two away from the gym isn’t going to hinder your progress, and the rest may even prove beneficial. However, if you do wish to maintain your physique for the duration of your holiday, or simply want to work out because you enjoy it, there are several ways to ensure that you never a miss a session.


Start the day right

Now this may sound like a cliché your mother or your schoolteacher used to always tell you, but start each day with a big, healthy breakfast. This will fuel your energy for the rest of the day and get your metabolism on top form.


If you’re well-fuelled, you will have the energy to work out as well as do all of the other activities listed on your itinerary. Many hotels include breakfast, so it would be rude not to make the most of it.

Scrap the Uber and walk


Walking is a great way to stay fit while travelling and get some extra exercise in. Is it really necessary to take an Uber somewhere that’s five streets away? Walking will burn some extra calories; plus, you can take in the scenery of wherever you are. An opportunity for some extra sightseeing and some exercise – two birds with one stone.

Look for drop-in sessions

As well as contacting home and taking some beautiful holiday snaps, you can use your smartphone to look up nearby gyms. Often, gyms will offer a free five-day pass for users to try the gym prior to signing up. Take advantage of this free pass and get some workouts in – and, even if there’s no free pass, your first visit may be heavily discounted.


Your hotel may even have a gym on-site – or at least, offer fitness classes. Yoga sessions on the beach are becomingly increasingly popular; should you have the opportunity, you should certainly give them a try.


Get swimming

If you’re in a tropical climate, your hotel more than likely has a pool, and you may even be close to the beach. Make the most of being able to exercise outside – go do a few laps. Swimming has a number of benefits; it improves endurance, cardiovascular fitness and muscle strength.


Through swimming, you can especially strengthen your core muscles and thus make it easier for you to do many physical activities so you can head home stronger than ever.


Consider a boot camp

Of course, you could always consider a health retreat in the sun. Set against the omnipresent backdrop of the azure Atlantic Ocean, Portugal is littered with dainty sun-kissed towns and cities that you’ll instantly fall in love with.


Book a retreat with Prestige Bootcamp in Portugal, and you’ll soon forget about the horrors of burpees, barbells and BOSU balls. Instead, you’ll marvel at the delicious food and stunning setting and be left with a whole new mindset concerning all things health and fitness.